homoeopathy for a better life, "Natures Law of Cure"

Complete solution for all thyroid problems

There are many disease that can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, this gland is formed by two large lobes lying at the base of the throat; it is an important gland and releases many hormones which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body including the maintenance of cellular machinery in the human body. A condition or disease known as hyperthyroidism can start affecting a person when the thyroid gland produces excess thyroid hormone. In this condition, the body’s metabolic rate runs too fast and metabolism is rapid compared to the normal rate, this situation in the body may be comparable to an overheated engine in an automobile. The secretion of too little of the thyroid hormone will lead to the converse disorder known as hypothyroidism-this disorder is characterized by the sluggish performance of metabolism in the body. The appearance of the symptoms in both of these different but related conditions is very sometimes rapid, and sometimes gradual, the symptoms may be mistaken for the signs signaling long term mild depression in the individual.
The presence of an autoimmune disorder is the main cause fro the majority of cases relating to thyroid disease, this is a condition where the body's immune system will attack the thyroid gland on its own due to impairment of some internal factors. These factors can include different types of hereditary or genetic causes, it can result from the presence of hormonal disturbances in other regions of the body, autoimmune disorder can develop following major surgery, exposure to radiation can also cause autoimmune disorders, and the use of certain medications is also another possible cause for the impairment of the immune system to the point that it attacks the thyroid gland. One very common reason for the development of hypothyroidism is the deficiency of iodine in the daily diet-this is a very common condition in some third world countries due to the lack of proper dietary iodine supplies.